Supporting Regenerative Cultures and the rise of the reGeneration glocally!
A request for patrons by Daniel Christian Wahl
Dear potential supporter,
Since ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures’ was published in early 2016, I have been sharing its content freely, along with a weekly blog-post, excerpts from 20 years of research, academic papers, network weaving news, and interviews with some of the leading practitioners and visionaries of the regenerative (r)evolution.
I have gladly shared this material in support of people around the world who want to take an active part in the re-design of the human impact on Earth. It is time for a profound transformation of our role and impact from being exploitative and destructive to being healing and regenerative. My work has been focused on synthesising relevant ideas and practices, as well as weaving initially isolated expressions of regenerative cultures now emerging everywhere into a coherent, diverse and visible global movement.
I have been nourished by the growing interest that my social media advocacy and writings have attracted and by the many personal thank-you-notes from people who have shared how they changed their lives, their education, their jobs, their companies or even local government policies, inspired by some of the material I shared. I will continue to share for free and without paywalls, but I now need the support of those who can afford to help as ‘patrons’ in order to do so.
By March 2020 the growing interest around the world was reflected in “follower” number of 79.4k on the @RegenerativeCultures and 317k on the @EcologicalConsciousness Facebook pages that I co-curate with Christopher Chase. The @RegenerativeConsciousnessCommunity and @RegenerativeActionNetwork Facebook Groups — co-curated by a wonderful team — have grown to 14k and 1.8k members in only a few months.
Regenerative Cultures
Regenerative Cultures, Palma de Mallorca. 75K likes. Author of…
Over the last 4 years I have published more than 450 articles and excerpts from my book (which is in Creative Commons 4.0 NC licence), my PhD and Masters, and many additional articles, resource lists and commentaries on my Medium blog (which I keep without a paywall!). The material shared totals more than 4500 pages of research and writing that I have produced over the last 20 years, more than half of it in the last 4 years.
I also share this material on Twitter under @DrDCWahl (7.6k) and Linked-In (5k) and have more recently started a regular ‘reGeneration Rising: Conversations about regenerative practice’ video-blog including videos shared on my Youtube channel (1k). Your support will help me do much more of that!
It is in the hope that it may serve people and planet that I am sharing this material chronicling my own exploration of how we can participate more appropriately in the nested complexity of life’s ongoing evolutionary journey as a planetary process that “creates conditions conducive to life”. I don’t pretend I have the answers. I have spent more than 20 years exploring the theory and practice of how we — all around the world — are trying to co-create them by living the questions more deeply.
Over the last 4 years many people have asked me how they can contribute to me being able to do this work. Until the current pandemic crisis, I have chosen to do so freely without even asking for support. This is now no longer possible and I do need your help to keep doing this work. I am looking for patrons who see value in what I do — for themselves, their communities, their businesses and organisation, their bioregions and for the world.
In addition to the media, content curating and educational work I have been a compulsory ‘pro bono’ consultant for NGOs, activist networks, inspired entrepreneurs, educational institutions and business leaders who wanted to think out of the box (but many of them weren’t quite ready to pay for it yet ;-). I am on the advisory councils of the Ojai Foundation, the Ecosystems Restoration Camps Foundation, the Commonland Foundation, the Overview Institute Australia, and Future Planet Europe. I am glad to be on the jury of the Lush Spring Prize, a Findhorn Foundation Fellow, a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, the International Futures Forum, H3Uni and the Research Working Group of the Global Ecovillage Network as well as an advisor to the ‘S.M.A.R.T. UIB’ Innovation Centre of the University of the Balearic Islands. To more effectively serve them ‘pro bono’ I need your support to be able to dedicate more time to weaving the synergies between them.
Over the last few years I have supported Common Earth in their work of introducing regenerative development to the 53 member nations of the Commonwealth. I have worked with the Buckminster Fuller Institute, the Spring Prize for Social and Ecological Regeneration, and the Regenerative Communities Network to lay the foundations for the ‘Regenerosity Network and Fund’. I enjoy being an advocacy partner of r3.0 (redesign, resilience & regeneration) and have contributed to their conferences for the last two years. At the NOW Assembly last autumn I was honoured to accept the role of an ambassador for the Dolphin Embassy. In addition, I support many more projects and organisations — locally and internationally — with (in most cases) free advice, research and partnership building, helping to weave fruitful win-win-win connections and collaborations between these different organisations dedicated to glocal and bioregional regeneration.
The online curriculum content I wrote for Gaia Education’s ‘Design for Sustainability’ course has been used by many thousands of learners from six continents and over 50 countries. I have shared many excerpts from this course on my Medium blog. The ‘SDGs Flashcards’, ‘SDG Project Canvas’ and ‘Training of Multipliers’ I developed with Gaia Education are rapidly being taken up around the world as a tool for using the SDGs as a bridge towards local and regional regeneration. With the support of UNESCO, the cards have been translated into Portuguese, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, and German since they were released in 2017.
My focus will remain glocal — linking the local and bioregional into global cooperation — and I feel a strong calling to serve my home bioregion of the island of Mallorca in this time of crisis (see a report of my local work). In this new situation under lockdown and with no ability to offer workshops, keynotes and consultancy services that have previously constituted my modest income and enabled me to do all this work, I am now asking those of you who can afford it to consider becoming a patron of my work.
I am asking you to do so not so much for the ‘offers’ that come with every ‘tier’ set up in the Patreon structure, but because — and only if — you believe that what I have done and am continuing to do serves the spread of ‘regenerative cultures’ initiatives around the world.
A special thank you to Extinction Rebellion for picking up on my work and making ‘We need regenerative cultures’ one of the 10 principles. I am also excited to see the recent re-orientation of activism towards a call to “Regenerate 2020” and beyond! We can create a Regenerative (R)evolution that serves all of humanity and all of life! As life, we can relearn how to create conditions conducive to life, community by community, bioregion by bioregion! Join the regeneration rising!
Please consider supporting me to support others, including yourself, with what I have already built a long track-record in and would like to be able to continue doing. If you can afford it and consider my work worthy of support, it really will make a big difference to me, my family and my continued ability to be of service — both to my local community and to the global community of the reGeneration rising in bioregions all over our beautiful home planet.
reGeneration Rising!
In love and gratitude — with the continued intention and commitment to be of service to life and that means all of you!
Daniel Christian Wahl